We the Mi’kmaq of Metepenagiag have lived in this place since time immemorial. We have always known this. It has been handed down to us through generations of oral history. Our people have lived on this land, a vibrant and spiritual life, and inseparable from Mother Earth.

We have fished and hunted, built vessels for transportation, traded to the far reaches of the earth, spoke our language, raised children, buried our dead and celebrated the new seasons with reverence and respect. We are a communal people – self sufficient, steady, proud. Through all adversity of time, we have endured.



GFAF Recipient

We are so excited to announce that the community of Metepenagiag has been approved for funding by way of Agriculture and Agri-Culture Canada as part...
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Metepenagiag Heritage Park would like to welcome the newest member of our Marketing team, Raven Boyer. A recent honors graduate of the Travel & Hospitality...
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Ookdotaan – DestinationNB Livestream

Watch as the Metepenagiag Heritage Park staff go live and highlight one of our favourite park experiences. Learn about traditional Mi'kmaq bread making and follow...
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Artifact Repatriation

Metepenagiag Heritage Park Inc. is working with the Province of New Brunswick’s Archaeological Services Branch to repatriate a large portion of the 60 000 artifacts...
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Metepenagiag Heritage Park is an accredited business through Indigenous tourism